the oral bible school



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According to experts in education, the best curriculum proceeds from simple to complex and depicts interrelationships among components.  Optimal learning results when individuals are presented with simple-to-grasp content and then with more difficult, often abstract, content later.  Small bits of information must be grasped before other bits of learning can be comprehended.  Therefore, The Oral  Bible School is laid out to present bits of Bible information in chronological sequence, presented in story form for oral learners, optimizing learner retention.


This particular chronological Bible storying set is unique in that it is focused on peoples who are folk Buddhist-animists.  With that in mind, the initial story set in the evangelism phase focuses on the truth that God, the Creator, is more powerful and more awesome than any other being in the universe and is thus worthy of our worship.


In addition, The Oral  Bible School is fully-orbed, beginning with basic evangelism and going to meatier levels of discipleship. It was designed to be a sequential and integrated curriculum for pastors/leaders-in-training.  Its 52 stories will give any house group leader enough lessons for an entire year.  The stories were carefully chosen to share the Gospel and teach animists educationally in layered fashion, teaching Biblical truths step-by-step.

Chronological Bible Storying for Animists